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Tag Archive: Thurston Group

  1. Thurston Group secures Constructionline Gold status!

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    We are delighted to have received verification of the new Gold Standard Constructionline accreditation this week and thought we would explain what that means to us and to our customers.

    Constructionline is the UK’s largest register of contractors, consultants and material suppliers for the construction industry. It brings together thousands of buyers and accredited suppliers and aims to reduce the risk that can be introduced for any buying organisation within the built environment supply chain.

    This new tiered approach to supplier assessment gives buyers a more robust risk management and increases their confidence by providing real-time updates on their entire supply chain from a single platform.

    Extending the questionnaire beyond the standard PAS 91 questions to the Common Assessment Standard means it provides buyers the confidence we operate to the new legislation such as Modern Slavery, Anti-Bribery and Corruption, and Equal Opportunities. On-premise audits add the necessary level of scrutiny appropriate for high-value and high-risk projects.

    Our Constructionline Gold Accreditation membership plays a vital role in improving and simplifying the PQQ process.  Constructionline’s extended and verified question set allows us to save time at the PQQ stage of procurement.  It demonstrates to our customers that we have been pre-approved in ethical standards, and that they can have complete confidence in our abilities.

    The Gold Standard accreditation not only provides suppliers like Thurston Group with more access to procurement teams and buyers in both the public and private sectors, This demonstrates that organisations such as ours are aligned to the highest possible industry and government standards.

    Providing an increasing level of risk management, the enhanced membership levels are in demand from buyers looking for increased assurance that their supply chain is not introducing additional risk into their business.

    It helps us to identify forthcoming construction projects and reduces time spent on paperwork as all our information is already listed on the Constructionline database.

    It also provides Health and Safety SIPP and Social Value certification, demonstrating to buyers that we comply with the very highest possible standards and that we have been subjected to increased scrutiny around governance and risk management.


  2. What are the Cost Benefits of Modular Construction?

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    Modular construction is not a new idea – there have been waves of interest from the construction centre over the years. Prefabs from the 1950s and 60s are still around, for example.

    But today’s modular construction benefits from technological improvements, innovative sustainable solutions for the life cycle of a building project and significant cost savings. And it’s for these reasons that modular construction is right now attracting massive amounts of interest and investment.

    The cost of modular construction offers significant savings

    Construction is one of the biggest sectors in the world, and so any significant change in the way that work is done can have major repercussions on global productivity.

    Previously, modular construction went through boom times when particular needs cropped up. So, in the US and the UK, prefabs were popular in the post-War years, to fulfil a need for fast, relatively cheap accommodation and building.

    Following these short-term flurries of building prefabricated buildings, they fell out of favour. However, the increased quality and technologically driven modular construction methods are successful in changing customer perception – and certainly picking up investor interest.

    Modular construction isn’t a product – it’s a process

    Economic challenges are being experienced just about everywhere in the world, due to a run of unprecedented situations. From the pandemic to global supply chain issues, there is an urgent need for affordable and reliable building methods.

    In this blogpost, we’re going to dig deeper into the cost benefits of modular construction. There are multiple cost benefits to modular construction that absolutely improve affordability.

    If we start by thinking of modular construction not as a single end product, but rather the entire process, it gives a clearer picture of its overall cost-effectiveness. The kinds of turnkey modular construction solutions we offer at Thurston aren’t just about the delivered product, but the entire project through the materials used, the time taken and the quality.

    Because we build largely off-site, we can control the schedule, the work time and the efficiency of the process in a way that isn’t possible with traditional construction methodology.

    Modular units are, of course, constructed to the same strict standards and regulatory codes as conventional builds, but there are more opportunities to streamline the process and save costs in that way.

    5 reasons modular construction offer cost benefits

    Modular construction is much faster than conventional building and can take half the time usually needed for on-site methods. Let’s break the cost savings down further:

    • No extraneous design costs

    While there are, of course, options for bespoke design choices, modular construction largely sticks to standardised designs. The client, whether a healthcare institution, educational site or residential project, can dispense with an architect while still getting a sleek and tested design.

    For residential projects, we have in-house design advisors who can ensure whatever is needed from the special design and costs can be produced. However, design costs are generally much lower than with a standard construction project.

    • Reliably sourced and costed materials

    Modular construction companies have established and trusted partnerships all along the supply chain. This means far fewer – if any – delays, no question of ‘just in time delivery of any essential parts or components.

    These kinds of delays can add costs onto a construction project, so the fact that modular construction mitigates them lowers the risk of costs spiralling. This also means that there’s no need for clients to budget for contingencies – they can pay a set amount and have confidence that the project will be fulfilled.

    • Reliability of the workforce

    Modular construction tends to work with salaried technicians and builders, while construction projects that roll out on-site usually use multiple subcontractors. As modular construction takes place off-site on a production line, there are never any gaps or schedule conflicts.

    All of this improves efficiency and speed of build, which has a knock-positive impact on the cost.

    • Energy costs are lower

    This is where the sustainability of modular construction adds to the benefits of cost savings. Modular units are built to be sustainable and minimise energy wastage. Modular constructions are airtight, which means that less gas and electricity is used to heat and cool them when in use.

    This is particularly useful at a time of soaring energy costs, and for buildings that are heavily used, can represent a significant saving.

    • Less disruption on site

    Most of the modular construction work takes place off site. This then minimises any disruption and mess caused to the site. When the units are ready, there will be groundwork and crane work to hoist the units into place. However, this represents far less time on site and less clean up necessary. All of which helps to cut costs.

    Modern modular construction comes with a range of benefits

    Overall, there is no doubt that modular construction can save costs across the board. From labour costs to wastage, and from time lost on site to supply chain disruptions, these kinds of problems are far less likely to impact a project cost.

    Offsite construction saves money, and thanks to today’s technology and super-efficient management systems, results in a resilient and long-lasting building product. Less time taken to complete the project, efficient supply chains and a reliable workforce combine to ensure that modular construction gives the client the best possible return on investment.

    For more information about modular construction and its benefits, or to discuss the modular process that could help you, get in touch with us today.

  3. Why is Modular Housing Green and How Does it Improve Sustainability?

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    Thurston has been in the construction industry for more than 50 years. Over the years, we’ve evolved along with the UK’s construction sector with innovative approaches to sustainability.

    Today, one of the biggest challenges facing construction is the determinantal environmental impact of many of the traditional industrial work practices. Our off-site modular housing construction processes minimise waste, energy use and contribute significantly to reducing the environmental damage caused by traditional building methods.

    Why is modular housing ‘green’?

    Green construction strategies are no longer a ‘nice to have’. In 2022, they are essential. Modular housing offers a solution that uses material efficiently, lowers the project’s carbon footprint (sometimes to zero-carbon) and minimises waste. Here’s why this is so important.

    Since the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century, our collective rush towards progress has brought enormous benefits to society. But at a significant cost to the environment.

    At the most recent UN Climate Change Conference (COP26 in November 2021), the sense of urgency in tackling emissions was emphasised by delegates from all around the world. While the conference did result in a step forward in a global effort to lower emissions, geo-political pressures mean that success is far from assured.

    The UK, along with all other delegates, signed the Glasgow Climate Pact, which revises and reiterates Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) to align with the original target set in the Paris Agreement in 2015.

    At Government level, much has been pledged. At ground level, however, we can directly influence construction in a sustainable and positive way.

    Modular construction lessens environmental damage

    This is where modular housing comes in. We pioneered an off-site modular housing construction process that is greener, faster, and cheaper. Because we manufacturer buildings in a controlled way, we can streamline the entire process and keep energy usage to a minimum.

    Modular construction allows us to pro-actively analyse every kWh of energy we use, consume as little as possible throughout the process, and use renewable sources where possible. We can also control the supply chain and deliver buildings in bulk, which slashes the vehicle emissions generated per project.

    An innovative approach to the developing needs of the construction industry has always underpinned what we do at Thurston. And, as the evidence for man-made climate change has ramped up, so have our solutions for clients who want to be part of the solution rather than the problem.

    In addition to the manufacturing technology and improved control over the production process that modular housing allows, it’s also conducive to waste reduction. During the manufacture of the modular housing, we can virtually eliminate waste, which is a huge plus for sustainability.

    Modular construction is certified by BREEAM
    All of the modular construction solutions available from Thurston are BREEAM certified. BREEAM has been around since 1990 and is a range of globally recognised certification and validation systems specifically for sustainable construction.

    BREEAM takes the kind of holistic approach to sustainability, which means it doesn’t just certify our net zero and emission reduction credentials, but all ESG and health goals. Owned and facilitated by the BRE Group, BREEAM’s certification is based on the science and provides the world’s leading stamp of approval for modular construction and on throughout the lifetime of the building’s occupation and use.

    Measuring the green benefits of modular housing

    According to research by the Bren School of Environmental Science & Management green modular housing reduces the overall environmental footprint as follows:

    • Modular construction is 50% more efficient in terms of energy usage, 30% more efficient for waster usage and 40% more efficient in terms of raw material usage.
    • Due to the increase in focus on materials that contribute to the wellbeing of the future occupants, there are fewer chemicals released into the atmosphere.
    • Materials can be accurately measured and used during manufacturing, which vastly reduces waste. And because strict guidelines are used on the manufacturing site, far less is wasted throughout the whole lifecycle of the project.
    • Modular housing uses raw material far more efficiently than traditional construction. In fact, efficiency is increased by at least 40% during manufacturing.
    • Energy usage is controlled during production and operation. Modular housing is well designed to be self-sustainable. For example, solar powered homes lower energy consumption up around 72%.

    Offsite modular construction and manufacturing already contributes to a significant number of new builds around the world. Modular homes are the green option and in our opinion the future of sustainable housing construction.

    For the construction industry, sustainability goes far beyond buzzwords and big promises. To be truly green and sustainable, businesses within the sector must balance social, environmental, and economic parameters.

    For more information about modular offices and their benefits, or to discuss the modular process that could help you , get in touch with us today.

  4. Why You Should Consider Modular Commercial Buildings For Multiple Offices

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    Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses have been scrutinising the purpose of ‘traditional’ offices and how they are used. So much is now being made of Modular Construction which is currently on the rise worldwide, with Modular Commercial Buildings being the fastest growing sector in this market.

    This presents an opportunity for your businesses to adopt a more flexible approach when it comes to increasing your office space. There are several reasons why we ‘re likely to see an increase in office space in future.

    Smaller Suburban Offices

    After the pandemic, employees may be hesitant to travel longer distances in busy trains to work at companies’ Headquarters. Especially if they don’t have office space in their homes, they’ll need an office space to do their jobs. Therefore, we may see the rise of smaller office spaces located in the suburban areas where companies or employees can rent a desk.

    Advantages of modular commercial buildings for multiple offices

    Here are some of the advantages of Modular Commercial Buildings for multiple offices so that you can increase your office space, or use it differently.

    • Lower cost: A Modular Commercial building is usually more cost-effective than traditional construction methods, which can be beneficial for start-ups or to help you to get more stretch from your budget.
    • Speedy construction: You don’t have to worry about the weather halting a modular building construction, because the manufacturing process takes care of that. Thurston Group modular office buildings are manufactured and built in our warehouses so they are ready to be installed.
    • Fully customisable: Modular office spaces can be fully customised with your corporate branding, including colours and logo. This can help to boost your visual brand identity with employees, customers and visitors.
    • Modern design: Modular commercial buildings are typically aesthetically pleasing and constructed using modern and sustainable materials with a range of finishes.
    • Room for modification: A big benefit of modular commercial buildings is that it is possible for you to change the internal layout of a modular commercial building, depending on its design. For example, you can remove or adjust interior walls in some modular office buildings to better suit how you want to use the space.

    The future of modular offices

    It makes sense to expect growth in flexible office spaces in the coming years, and modular office buildings, with their speedy construction, lower cost, and flexibility, will be at the forefront of this growth.

    For more information about modular offices and their benefits, or to discuss the modular process that could help you achieve your multiple offices dream, get in touch with us today.

  5. How to Increase Your Warehouse Space

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    Warehouse space can be hard to find. In fact, according to a report by property agent Cushman last year, Britain could run out of warehousing space within a year. So, if you need more space, but can’t find it, or it’s too pricey, what are the alternatives?

    In a word, or rather two word: Modular Buildings.

    By utilising modular storage, it’s possible to efficiently and cost-effectively maximise your existing warehouse space, and gain more.

    Modular Building uses for maximising warehouse space

    Modular Buildings are incredibly versatile and can fulfil almost any purpose required. Here are some ways they can be used to help you maximise your warehouse space.

    Increase Storage Volume

    Probably the most straightforward way to get more space and increase storage volume is to use modular buildings to increase the square footage of your available storage space.

    Whether you use modular warehouses to store products waiting to be sold, or as a manufacturing base which requires lots of raw materials, anti-vandal modular buildings can give you the extra room you need to store more, and expand without putting any of your stock at risk.

    Move offices and facilities out of the warehouse to free up more warehouse space

    Another very common use for modular buildings and a way to maximise the efficiency of your warehouse space is to move facilities that are taking up space in your warehouse into modular buildings. This is a good way to free up your warehouse space for its intended purpose. Modular buildings are perfect for this purpose given their size, insulated walls, and security.

    It’s not just offices that can be moved from a warehouse to provide extra warehouse space, all facilities including canteens, toilets, showers and even dedicated meeting rooms can have their own space, customised to each site.

    Modular building advantages

    Modular buildings have many advantages, and we’re going to outline three main benefits when you need extra warehouse space.

    1. They are customisable

    One of the main advantages of modular buildings is the ability to customise and personalise the buildings to suit any space and any function.

    The size, shape, and included features can all be added and removed where necessary, to make sure you only ever get the building space that you need. Being able to fit a new building into or near an existing warehouse structure, perhaps on a site with not much extra space, is a huge advantage. And you might be surprised with just how much extra space you can unlock with the clever use of modular buildings.

    2. They are cost-effective

    Another huge advantage of using modular buildings to increase warehouse space is the cost, especially when compared with the cost of adding full new buildings.

    Many factors, from the materials that modular buildings are made of, to the ease of construction and low transport costs, all contribute to the fact that modular buildings are a cost-effective way to add space where needed.

    Discover the difference between modular and traditional construction here.

    3. They can be constructed quickly

    Another thing that helps keep costs and effort minimal is the speed at which modular buildings can be erected.

    Realising you need more space, and actually deciding to invest can be a big decision. Which is why modular buildings can provide a good solution.

    To find out more about how to use modular buildings to increase your warehouse space, please contact us, or call 0333 577 0883.


  6. What is the difference between modular and traditional construction?

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    You may have come across both ‘modular’ and ‘traditional’ as terms to describe different construction methods before. But what do they actually mean? Knowing the difference, and what the benefits of modular construction are can be key to making the right choices for your project and your budget.

    What’s the difference?

    Traditional construction generally refers to a project where each aspect is taken step by step. Elements are generally assembled on site from raw materials, and the construction is built in a linear fashion.

    Modular construction is where some or all of the construction is handled off-site, and the pre-fabricated elements are then transported to the site to be assembled.

    Many companies now believe that modular construction has a lot of benefits to offer over traditional construction methods, and it’s becoming an increasingly popular option for all types of projects. From homes to office buildings and industrial properties. When you consider the benefits, it’s not difficult to see why.

    What are the benefits of modular construction?

    It’s quicker

    One key benefit of modular construction is that it’s often much quicker, sometimes saving as much as 50% construction time. This is because the two different elements of the project can be run simultaneously. In other words, the next part of the building can be constructed off-site while the current part is being assembled on-site. Traditional construction methods require each element to be completed before moving on to the next, which is where considerable time delays can happen.

    Modular construction is safer

    As modular construction elements are often built in a factory environment, there’s no risk of weather damage to the core components before they are assembled. Bricks, timber, and other materials can suffer when exposed to rain and other weather, which isn’t a concern if you’re using modular buildings. A factory build also allows for a tighter quality control process because the construction is being handled in a highly controlled environment, rather than on-site.

    It’s less invasive and more efficient

    Other modular construction benefits include causing considerably lower levels of disruption to surrounding areas. Traditional construction methods are often quite polluting, both in terms of materials used and the noise generated. With modular construction all of this is handled remotely, and the noise caused by assembling the pre-formed elements is much

    lower. As its less time consuming too, there can also be minimal disruptive traffic calming measures imposed in the surrounding areas.

    It’s also worth considering that these elements are being pre-created in a factory setting can have a lower environmental impact. This is because it eliminates the need for several people to be travelling to the site every single day to contribute to the construction, they only need to be there when final assembly is going to take place.

    Making the right construction choice for you

    Modular construction is a fantastic alternative to traditional construction methods for all of these reasons, and more. For more information about modular construction, its benefits, or to discuss the modular process that could help you achieve your next construction project, get in touch today.

  7. Our Commitment To Being Sustainable

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    At Thurston Group, we are passionate about the environment, and we are constantly striving to be more sustainable in everything we do. We are proud of our reputation as one of the UK’s leading modular building manufacturers, and we work closely with our clients to create sustainable, affordable and energy-efficient solutions. All of our sustainable modular buildings are designed to be energy-efficient, low-waste and high-performance and comply with the very highest environmental regulations.

    Sustainable building solutions

    As the carbon footprint of traditional building methods becomes clear, many clients are looking for a more eco-friendly and less wasteful solution if they need temporary or permanent buildings. Our building process is far quicker, with 90% of the build completed off-site so we can make sure it adheres to our environmental standards. Many of our clients in industries from education to manufacturing are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint and adopt more sustainable principles. If your business prides itself on its eco-credentials, our bespoke modular buildings are the ideal solution.

    There are many sustainability benefits to modular construction, making it ideal for green businesses looking to expand. By producing buildings in a controlled setting, we can monitor energy usage and streamline the construction process. Our offsite construction method is more sustainable than the traditional building method, with our solutions designed to last for decades and made using a range of durable and high-quality materials.

    We also acknowledge that every kWh of energy that a building consumes needs to be generated. This traditionally has involved the combustion of fossil fuels, which in turn produces CO2. Our approach to this environmental challenge is to design and build structures that consume as little energy as possible whilst generating as much as possible from a clean, renewable source, helping to reduce your carbon footprint.

    Where possible, we also minimise deliveries by delivering in bulk, rather than individually to separate sites, as well as reducing our vehicle movements. There are up to 90% fewer vehicle movements to site, further reducing disruption, congestion and carbon emissions.

    50 years of innovation

    Over the last 50 years, we have continued to invest in new ways to create high-quality and efficient buildings using a range of advanced technologies. From LED light fittings which reduce energy use to recycled materials that divert waste from landfills, we incorporate a range of sustainable features into our buildings and production methods. We are passionate about innovation and continue to use the latest technologies to make sure our projects are designed and built for a better future.

    However, it isn’t just the technology used in the modular buildings that is sustainable. As much as possible, we reduce the amount of waste that is produced. During the manufacturing process, waste is almost completely eliminated, and wood off-cuts are used as biomass fuel to provide space heating in our manufacturing facility. These are some of the reasons why we are ISO 14001 certified, and shows our commitment to being a sustainable business with an effective environmental management system.


    As a business, we also strive to ensure all of our modular solutions are BREEAM approved. We are committed to providing all clients with sustainable modular buildings that will stand the test of time and meet social and economic sustainability regulations. This includes during the design, construction, intended use and future of the buildings.

    Our fabric first approach

    We also use a fabric first approach that is designed to reduce waste at every stage of the process. This approach means we maximise the performance of the materials and components of our builds before we even start, to ensure an efficient construction process. Because our buildings are built to exact measurements there is no need for excess materials to be ordered and transported. In fact, research has shown that the modular building process can reduce construction waste by up to 52%.

    Self-sufficient modular homes

    Many of our sustainable modular buildings have a range of energy-saving and power-generating features to increase self-sufficiency. All of our builds maximize airtightness to reduce heat loss and we use the most efficient insulation to reduce energy loss too. We use a range of sustainable principles, such as encouraging natural ventilation, maximising solar gain and installing high-performance insulation to create modular buildings which are self-sufficient and energy-efficient. From classrooms to construction offices to defence buildings, all of our projects are designed to provide a high-quality sustainable alternative.

    Contact us today for more information on how we can produce sustainable modular buildings.

  8. 5 Benefits of Modular Healthcare Buildings

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    Modular buildings are increasingly being used in a range of industries, from hospitality and communications to corporate sectors – with the healthcare sector currently featuring the highest use of prefabricated buildings. Currently, there are several different types of modular healthcare buildings in use, including:

    • Modular hospitals
    • Medical laboratories
    • Patient care centres
    • Dental clinics
    • Primary care clinics
    • Mobile/permanent urgent care centres

    If you’re looking further into modular healthcare buildings, here are five benefits of such for you to consider:

    1. No site disruption

    The offsite construction of modular healthcare buildings operates in a factory-controlled environment, meaning that there are fewer equipment and material suppliers operating on the final construction site and in turn leading to less truck traffic, noise, and waste disruptions. Less disruption paves the way for reduced risk as problems associated with dirt, moisture and impractical work conditions are minimised. Modular buildings follow a streamlined approach to construction which fosters a more efficient atmosphere and leads to greater worksite productivity.

    2. Decreased environmental impact

    Offsite modular constructions methods produce less waste volume when compared to site-built structures; the controlled environment in which they’re created leaves less room for error and reconstruction waste, leaving less of an impact on the environment. Noise and air pollution are also reduced with less time being spent making deliveries to the worksite – all of which is consistent with the high health and safety standards of both the healthcare industry and here at Thurston Group.

    3. Reduced costs

    A modular healthcare building often takes less time to construct than site-built structures which impacts the overall cost of construction. The cost of on-site access and labour personnel is also reduced. Healthcare buildings are created according to the strict controlled standards as site-built healthcare facilities but prove far more cost effective. As well as this, the healthcare industry can benefit from a higher return on investment (ROI) because they can be completed in a shorter timeframe.

    4. Quicker construction

    Prefabricated structures can be built in almost half the time that it takes to build a structure in the traditional way; various components of a modular structure can be manufactured while on-site operations are underway and there’s no contending with sub-contractor delays or adverse weather conditions that can slow down the manufacturing process.

    Additionally, healthcare facilities usually require periodic upgrades on equipment and technologies. Prefabricated buildings allow for new structures to be added faster down the line without disrupting the normal functioning of the building.

    5. Safer construction

    Safety is a key consideration when it comes to the construction of any building, especially those in the healthcare industry. The risk of accidents occurring is greatly reduced with off-site modular construction, as a large percentage of construction activities take place away from the site. This eliminates a significant amount of construction hazards and helps reduce costs associated with time delays, damaged equipment or tools, clean-up costs, insurance and penalties.

    Modular healthcare buildings deliver a range of benefits and are definitely a leading consideration in the future of healthcare construction. Here at Thurston Group, we are a leading supplier of modular buildings for a range of different industries – including the healthcare sector. Contact us today for more information.

  9. How modular buildings have revolutionised the way classrooms are delivered

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    More and more schools are choosing modular building designs when creating new classrooms and educational spaces to accommodate rapidly expanding student populations across the UK. Offsite construction has long been considered a go-to choice when constructing temporary classrooms, but today schools are opting to go modular even when constructing permanent school buildings. But why?

    Contemporary aesthetics

    Forget the modular buildings, or ‘school huts’, of years gone by. Today’s offsite technology offers contemporary aesthetics and cutting-edge functionality. Modular classrooms are designed around research-led principles in education, creating the ideal space for optimal learning as well as ensuring teachers and school leaders have adequate space for storage and group activities. Modular builds can be equipped with cladding to match the look of older school buildings, and in most cases now schools choose to position new modular classrooms at the front of the school grounds to show off their contemporary design.

    A cost-effective option

    Over the past decade, schools across the UK have felt the tightening of education budgets and austerity. This has pushed managers and leaders to explore more cost-effective options. Modular buildings offer schools and colleges a way to adapt their classroom space to meet the needs of a changing school population without overspending on budget. When considering the quality of the design and build of modular classrooms as well as the cost, modular building offers one of the most high-value options to schools.

    Fast construction

    Another significant advantage of modular buildings is the speed at which they can be constructed. Modular classrooms can often be delivered and installed in a matter of weeks, which is essential when accommodating a growing school population. This is in contrast to traditional construction methods which can often take months or even years to complete. This also allows schools to construct new classrooms and school buildings over the summer without causing unnecessary disruption during term time.

    Excellent green credentials

    Offsite construction for schools is also an excellent option for educational institutions that are looking to reduce their carbon footprint. Modular solutions are typically constructed off-site in a factory setting, which reduces the amount of construction waste produced. This means that fewer resources are used during the construction process, and any waste produced can be recycled or reused. Additionally, modular buildings can be designed to meet high thermal performance standards, meaning they require less energy to heat and cool – saving schools money on their energy bills.

    Why Thurston Group?

    At the Thurston Group, we offer turnkey solutions for schools and educational institutions looking for high-quality permanent buildings that can be efficiently designed and constructed around specific requirements.

    Accommodate an expanding student population in state-of-the-art classrooms equipped with all the mod cons your students are used to and more. With years of experience designing and constructing modular buildings for schools and colleges across the UK, you can trust us to create the perfect teaching and learning spaces for your staff and students.

    To find out more about our bespoke modular education buildings and why these could work for your school, contact us today on 0333 577 0883 to discuss our modular classroom solutions.

  10. ESPO 953-22 Modular Building Framework Success

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    Thurston Group, the Modular and Portable building manufacturer, has been listed on Frameworks tendered by ESPO for a number of years, and after a competitive tendering process in 2021, we have proved that we have the necessary policies, procedures, and health and safety accreditations in place to meet all statutory requirements for a place again on the 953-22 Modular Building Framework.


    Why Should You Use the ESPO Framework?

    ESPO is a public sector owned professional buying organisation (PBO), specialising in providing a wide range of goods and services to the public sector for over 40 years. ESPO offers a comprehensive, one-stop shop solution of over 25,000 catalogue products, over 100 frameworks and bespoke procurement services – all with free support and advice available from their expert teams.


    Why access our services via this framework?

    Quick & easy to use – This framework is already EU/UK Compliant, they’ve done the procurement work, so there’s no need to run a full EU tender process saving time and money.

    It’s free – You will not be charged for using this framework

    Pre-agreed conditions – No need to worry about what terms & conditions to use, they’ve been pre-agreed under the framework and underpin all orders

    Professional procurement support is always on hand from ESPO. The framework will be centrally managed and monitored by ESPO

    Great prices – A wide range of rates allowing for more direct call-off opportunities for each specific building type


    Want to know more:

    If you’d like to find out more about the Modular Building Framework options offered by Thurston, please visit www.thurstongroup.co.uk, call us on 0333 577 0883 or email info@thurstongroup.co.uk, quoting ESPO Framework (953-22 Modular Buildings) or visit the ESPO website directly on www.espo.org

  11. Coalition calls for tougher carbon controls on new buildings

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    A coalition has written to Jeremy Pocklington, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government calling for tougher carbon controls. They’re warning that the proposed Future Buildings Standard (FBS) contains “significant shortcomings”. Also highlighting that the Government needs to be far more ambitious in the regulation of energy consumption in new buildings if it wants to meet carbon reduction targets

    RIBA president also said the proposed standards don’t go far enough to reduce the built environment’s carbon footprint. A letter, including 21 signatures from the likes of RIBA, Architects Climate Action Network, Greenpeace, CIOB and the UK Green Building Council, highlights significant concerns around the proposed energy and ventilation standards for non-domestic buildings and existing homes in England.

    The letter states there are several areas that are critical to achieving the UK’s net zero goals. And with the right decisions, can demonstrate global leadership and create a “world-leading built environment sector”. 

    The coalition, comprising architects, built environment and climate groups, has said if the Government wants to achieve this they need to start regulating total energy consumption, and not introduce primary energy, and set actual energy performance targets for buildings. The consultation states that new buildings should be “zero carbon ready” but to address the climate emergency, we need to be building net zero carbon buildings. We also need to assess building performance better to close the performance gap, introduce and regulate embodied carbon targets for buildings and set a clear National Retrofit Strategy. 

    RIBA President, Alan Jones, said, “The built environment is responsible for approximately 40% of the UK’s total carbon output. Put simply, the proposed Future Buildings Standard does not go far enough to reduce this impact. To reach net zero carbon emissions, demonstrate global leadership and create a world-leading built environment sector England needs more ambitious regulations. The Future Buildings Standard provides an opportunity to make critical and essential changes: to regulate total energy consumption and set critical targets for actual energy performance and embodied carbon. I urge policymakers to realise its potential.”

    We’re committed to reducing our carbon footprint and ensuring that we’re building a better future. We do this by observing the ten circular economy principles to help achieve true net zero buildings and adopting a fabric first approach. Offsite construction is more sustainable than traditional methods. We work hard to minimise waste and make sure we’re building sustainable modular and portable buildings. Though more organisations could do better to combat climate change and ensure that our planet has a better future.  

    You can read the full letter here.