Sports & Leisure

  • A turnkey solution for all sports and leisure modular buildings including sports halls and changing rooms
  • Delivered up to 50% quicker than traditional methods
  • 90% of the build completed offsite
  • Minimal site disruption
  • Flexible in design and method
  • Full range of fixtures and fittings included
  • Each building is handed over fully functional and ready for occupation
  • Suitable for most requirements
  • Providing durable buildings in a range of sizes, layouts and configurations, our BBA approved galvanised modular system is guaranteed for up to 60 years.

    These modular buildings can be installed on a variety of foundations, from concrete bases and piling to ground beams and ground screws.

    Contact Us

    Thurston Group provides you with outstanding levels of innovation, design, production and client service. We look forward to working with you.
